StrandNära B&B for Groups & Companies
Collect happy moments together
We welcome groups and companies to StrandNära organic B&B.
For businesses & groups, we create unique B&B packages. How about a guided tour by horse andwagon at the Alvar, Chocolate, Tea or Schnapps tasting, Herb Garden Walk, Learn to cookwith the right spices, hear the story behind the Oland horse – or perhaps a ride on our unique Oland Horses.
Take the opportunity to socialize and build bands near to the beach. With us you have theopportunity to use the Ölandic nature to form teams, develop business plans and budgets, to celebrate the new fiscal year or even a kick-off together with your employees. Based onyour specific needs and desires, we make sure that your stay here is unique. We can offer you and your team a complete solution with room, board and lodging, but it is togetherthat we create just your parcel. Get in touch with us to find out more!
Outdoor & Trekking
Station Linné – a nature experience
Station Linné is a centre for research, popular science activities, culture and tourism related to sustainable development. We are situated on the Baltic island of Öland, in the southeast of Sweden. We also offer popular nature experiences, education, nature education and rental of workspaces.
In May, when the orchirds flower and the birds arrive on Öland, follow us on one of our orchid or bird tours. Summertime is perfect to explore the flowerings meadows, look for butterflies or take a hike on the Alvar with one of our guides.
Kids will have a great time on our nature experience programme “Humlans Naturspanare” during the summer.
For a real out of the ordinary activity, be sure not to miss Mystery in the dark (Mystik i mörkret), an evening activity there we search for bats, moths and other nocturnal animals. We organise Mystik i mörkret several times between May and August.
These tours are in Swedish, but most guides can accommodate English speaking guests. Just call in advance! For groups we can organise both special interests and general excursions.
Station Linné Hiking
There are three fantastic trails starting at Station Linnaeus; 2 km, 3 km and 6.5 km. Plasticized maps be borrowed from the mailbox on the stations west end, close to the information boards. Alternatively, you can download them and print your own copy. Find maps here!
Horse Back Riding, Island Horses – Kållberggården
Kollberggården is a beautiful farm situated in Mörbylångadalen, between the exotic “Stora Alvaret”, “Nunnedalen” and “Kalmarsund”. Surrounding nature is unique and varied. The farm is lovingly renovated, taking into account the environment and the vision of linking family goals and meaning to life. The owners want to share their farm, invite to rest and recovery, exciting meetings, development and meeting with the island horse. Kollberggården offers private lessons and guided tour riding.
Biking & Hiking on Öland
Biking and Hiking on Öland, on roads and trails that take you through the unique naturaland cultural environments and stunning locations only accessible by bike or on foot. Youwill be greeted by a mosaic of colors, scents and birdsong, of exciting environments and people.
There is peace and quiet but also a large and varied range of activities, speed and excitement.
Bicycle and hiking season on Öland is long, colorful flowers from spring to autumn’s more subdued maturity. The heat lingers both on land and in water well into September. There are well-signposted cycle and walking trails. Find routes and maps here!